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Unit #2166, 8339 Kennedy Rd, Markham, ON, CA

+1 (416) 887-9996


4 Myths About Home Security Systems

There are 4 common myths people have when it comes to selecting a security system for your home and how burglars enter your home.

1. Burglaries mostly occur at nighttime

A common belief is that break ins and robberies often occur at night. This is, in fact, FALSE. According to statistics 60 to 70% of all break-ins happen during the day between 6 am and 6 pm. 

2. Security systems don’t really stop crime

The Electronic Security Association’s “Home Safety Fast Facts” report states that 83% of burglars said that they would attempt to determine if an alarm was present before attempting a burglary. 

Burglars act fast and every second matters. A security system is not worth tampering with so a robber will look for an easier target. 

3. Burglars are professionals

Most robbers are far from professional and are typically desperate. Having a security system, video surveillance and anything else that will draw attention to the robber will make them flee the scene. 

4. Security Systems are not needed if you live in a safe neighbourhood

Unfortunately this is far from true. Many burglars target homes in safer and wealthier neighbourhoods. Regardless of your neighbourhood, it is very important to have a security system in your home or business.

Have any other myths or questions about security systems? Contact us via phone or email to get your questions answered today!

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